With recreational marijuana use becoming more accepted and laws changing across the United States to reflect this change, the perception of creating your own ma... Read More»
Is it better to grow cannabis outdoors using natural light and soil or indoors? The answer is not as clear-cut as one might think.
Growing cannabis outdoors ... Read More»
Check out Grizzle's Ganjanomics Marijuana Grow Tool to find out how much growing marijuana will save you in your state or province as compared to buying at the dispensary.... Read More»
A trend is emerging in legal marijuana markets. Consumers are buying more marijuana edibles and extracts than ever before. 2017 revenue from raw flower fell bel... Read More»
Choosing the right strain to optimize yield and value is the second most important decision in a successful grow operation; the decision to grow outdoors vs. in... Read More»
The drive to legalize recreational marijuana is a wave washing over North America and across the world. Legalization could be very good for demand, but it will ... Read More»